The establishment of an IU Bloomington center or institute requires a proposal. IU Bloomington centers are approved by the IU Bloomington Provost and the IU Vice President for Research and report to the Vice Provost for Research. Bloomington research centers are established for two primary reasons:
- to allow the common pursuit of the highest quality multidisciplinary research that is focused on a research question to be considered by researchers from units across the campus; and
- to facilitate multidisciplinary research that will maximize the potential for attracting external funding to fully or partially support the work.
IU Bloomington research centers involve faculty from multiple schools and report to a higher level of administration within the university, not to the schools from which their faculty are drawn. Such centers are normally expected to be financially self-sufficient after a period of establishment, typically two to three years, during which one-time seed funding may be made available. However, financial arrangements for centers, such as the allocation of indirect cost recovery and the need for continued matching funds, shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.
IU Bloomington research centers are typically established for a period of up to five years and reviewed in the third year. The review committee report is considered by the IU Bloomington Faculty Advisory Committee and the Vice Provost for Research, who advises the Provost and the Vice President for Research on whether the center should continue for a period of up to five years.
IU Bloomington infrastructure centers involve faculty from multiple schools and report to a higher level of administration within the university, not to the schools from which their faculty are drawn, although in some cases faculty may report to both. Infrastructure centers may be established around a particular facility, theme, or research service where such an administratively separate concentration is advantageous for research and education. Examples are the Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter (CEEM), the Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender and Reproduction (KI), the Light Microscopy Imaging Center (LMIC), and the Center for Survey Research (CSR). Such centers may have a component of base funding.