
What is a subaward?

If you are collaborating with researchers at another institution on a proposal and IU is the lead institution, a subaward may be required.

A subaward (also referred to as a subgrant or subcontract) is financial support from a prime awardee (e.g., Indiana University) to a qualified organization for performance of a substantive portion of the programmatic effort under the prime award. Subaward agreements are negotiated between the two institutions after the prime award is received.

Proposal requirements for subawards

If your proposal includes a subaward, the Office for Research Administration will need the following from the subawardee institution:

  • Budget
  • Budget justification or budget narrative
  • Statement of work to be performed by subawardee
  • Signed Subrecipient Commitment Form
  • A copy of the Subawardee's F&A rate agreement or hyperlink to their rate agreement (if applicable)
  • NIH applications with foreign subrecipients must include a Letter of Support from the subrecipient PI for with a statement acknowledging their willingness to abide by NIH NOT-OD-23-182 as part of the NIH application. Specifically, we recommend international subrecipients use the following language in their letter of support when they will be included in NIH proposals:
By signing this subrecipient letter of support, [subrecipient PI name] agrees to provide access to copies of all lab notebooks, all data, and all documentation that support the research outcomes as described in the progress report, to [primary recipient] with a frequency of no less than once per year, in alignment with the timing requirements for Research Performance Progress Report. Such access may be entirely electronic.