Welcome to the IU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)!
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are made up of a group of people with varying backgrounds and are responsible for the review and approval, or disapproval, of research involving human subjects. IRBs were established to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects by reviewing research with safety in mind.
The day-to-day operations of the IU IRBs are administered and supported by the IU Human Subjects Office (HSO), a unit of the IU HRPP. Like the IRB, HSO staff have varying backgrounds. Some HSO staff, also known as screeners, conduct preliminary review of all research submitted to the IRB to ensure that it is in an acceptable form for the IRB to review. HSO staff provide guidance to researchers as to whether an activity requires IRB review; however, HSO staff may consult with IRB members with any questions. The Quality Improvement Office, also a unit of the HRPP, conduct not-for-cause and for-cause audits of human subjects research. Additionally, HRPP staff are available to answer questions, and offer educational and training opportunities to researchers as it relates to human subjects research.