Hello and welcome to Indiana University Bloomington's Laboratory Animal Resources! We have a centralized animal care program that oversees 6 vivariums with a variety of animal species over seen by a professional staff. Laboratory Animal Medicine and Science as a field has expanded significantly over the last 2 decades. We now know more than ever about pathogens and subclinical infections in animals that can affect research outcomes. Control of environmental factors such as lighting, temperature, humidity, consistent bedding, and housing are important variables that our staff works hard to maintain. We also know that provision of an animal's needs (food, water, shelter, and psychological) are important factors to provide to our animals. Our professional and experienced staff provide housing, husbandry, clinical care, consultation and medical treatments to all animals in our core facilities. We provide services including ordering animals both from vendors and collaborators, delivery of animals to facilities, medical care for spontaneous or induced medical conditions and consultation on your research. We would like to provide the best service to our customers and the highest level of humane animal care.
Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International