Reports and Resources


Calendar Year Effort View

Displays summarized Institutional Base Salary payroll expenses and effort information by Award and Account PI for a given calendar year by Project or account. A single person view is also available showing calendar year and month distributions of effort for that employee. This report provides the same information the PI will see in EConfirm (ECC).

CG Labor Projections

This report is intended to help manage job appointments on contract and grant accounts. This report will estimate how much will be charged to your project through the end of the project. It also includes information on accounts in the Designated Funds (DS) Funds Group. It displays current job funding, by person and object code, related to a particular account. A projection, calculated in whole months, based on the current funding is provided. This projection is presented alongside current budget and actuals for labor object codes on the account.

View the CG Labor Projections Report

Salary Cap Dashboard

This report provides payroll information by person, award, and account for employees subject to Salary Cap Limitations. Amounts over the allowable cap limitation are tracked in special "INSxx" cost share sub-accounts. This report shows how much salary is currently charged to these "INSxx" sub-accounts, how much should be charged to "INSxx" sub-accounts, and displays the difference (positive or negative). If the difference reported is negative the salary allocation must be reviewed and corrected.

The report also assists determining salary cap setup by providing a calculation of the allowable and unallowable percentage of payroll for employees subject to Salary Cap Limitations based on the individual appointment, Institutional Base Salary, and percentage of effort (Direct + Cost Share) the person will work on a project.

View the Salary Cap Dashboard

Institutional Base Salary Payroll Summary

Provides detailed information regarding wages paid for employees across all appointments and pay types for the time period selected. The report may be filtered to include Institutional Base Salary payroll for persons on both federal and non-federal awards.

View the Institutional Base Salary Payroll Summary Report

Expiring Accounts with Labor

Provides information regarding salary paid for employees on expiring accounts. The report may be filtered to provide information by organization, accounts or individuals.

View the Expiring Accounts with Labor Report

Salary Charged to Grants

Displays summarized salary information by fiscal year and various funding categories (Non-Contract & Grant, Contract & Grant, Cost Share etc.). Provides a list of employees associated with a given Responsibility Center or Organization, their salary and funding source. Also provides detailed salary information for selected individuals breaking down their salary charged across specific accounts or fund groups.

View the Salary Charged to Grants Report

Labor on Continuation Accounts

When an account is expired the labor is automatically charged to the continuation account. This report displays the labor detail that was originally intended to post to a Contract & Grant account that posted to a non-C&G continuation account instead.

View the Labor on Continuation Accounts Report

PI Leaving IU

The PI Leaving Report on the ORA Departmental Management Dashboards provides information about Principal Investigators on KC Awards to help identify PI's who have left or may be preparing to leave IU.

View the PI Leaving IU Dashboard