Reviews & Renewals

When to renew a protocol

Approved protocols will remain active for three years. At the end of that period, a new protocol application must be completed and submitted as a new protocol. The new protocol must be on file and approved before the three-year expiration date of the existing protocol.

Protocol amendments

If your protocol has not yet expired, but you need to make changes to its details, you should amend the protocol instead.

Learn more about submitting a protocol amendment

Contact someone about animal care and use


Contact the Bloomington Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (BIACUC).

  • Bloomington IACUC
  • Email:
  • Phone: (812) 855-5138


Contact the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at the IU School of Medicine or the IUI School of Science.

  • School of Medicine IACUC
  • Email:
  • Phone: (317) 278-1826

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