- Last updated:
- 07/01/2023
Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) Plans
- Guidance Contact:
IU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
IU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
Despite a study team’s best efforts, errors in the conduct of research may occur. Errors may include deviations from the IRB approved study plan or noncompliance with applicable research regulations or policies. Whether the result of human oversight, process deficiencies, or technology failures, such errors should be identified and when appropriate, the steps taken to resolve them, and to ensure they do not happen again, should be well documented in the research records. This important documentation is known as a Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) Plan.
A CAPA Plan is a collective process, or series of measures, to correct the immediate problem, to determine the cause or causes of the problem, and to develop and implement a plan to prevent the problem from recurring. Developing an effective CAPA Plan requires analysis and problem-solving skills and should represent a collaborative effort by the members of the study team. CAPA Plans should be followed through completion and should be monitored by the study team for their success in preventing recurrence of the problem. The entire process should be documented, and this documentation should be maintained as part of the research record.
The IU HRPP Quality Improvement Office (QIO) has developed a CAPA Plan Template to assist study teams with this activity. This template is designed to incorporate the steps described below but should be modified as needed to capture additional steps taken by the study team and/or specific departmental processes. Examples of how to use the CAPA Plan Template, as well as additional information on the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) methods described below, may be requested by emailing Ashley Meyers at ashlmeye@iu.edu.
The following activities should be included in the CAPA Plan:
FDA Guidance: E6(R2) Good Clinical Practice: Integrated Addendum to ICH E6(R1) – Guidance for Industry
FDA Guidance: Investigator Responsibilities – Protecting the Rights, Safety, and Welfare of Study Subjects – Guidance for Industry
FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) presentation: Corrective and Preventive Action Basics