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Radiation Safety Training Requirements
Training requirements for radiation safety
Radiation safety training ensures that any hazards associated with radioactive materials or radiation producing devices are minimized, and that all uses of these materials and devices are in compliance with regulatory requirements. Any new personnel using radioactive material in research must become an authorized user of radioactive material.
Training requirements are different for Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses.
Bloomington training requirements
To use radioactive material:
- Attend a Radiation Safety Orientation by the radiation safety officer.
- Complete online training on radiation safety procedures.
- Read the IU Radiation Safety Manual and other written materials provided.
- Pass a written exam.
- Complete an in-lab performance review of laboratory safety procedures.
To use analytical x-ray devices:
- Complete online Radiation Safety Training.
- Read the Radiation Safety Guide for Users of Analytical X-Ray Systems.
- Review safe operating procedures with the principal investigator and/or lab manager.
- Complete an X-Ray Safety Exam and Form XS-2. Forward both forms to the Radiation Safety Office.
- For users of non-enclosed open beam systems, complete an on-site review of safety procedures with the radiation safety officer and obtain a ring dosimeter.
To use particle accelerators:
- Complete a new visitor registration form and take online safety training sessions through the IU Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter (CEEM).
Indianapolis training requirements
To use radioactive material and radiation-producing devices, researchers and personnel must:
- Submit an Authorization to Use Radioactive Materials (Accessible 10/24/23) (A-3) Form to the Radiation Safety Committee Office at This form must be signed by both you and a permit holder. After this form is submitted and reviewed, you will receive an email notification to register for training.
- Attend Radiation Safety Orientation. This orientation reviews the fundamentals of radiation safety and emphasizes procedures that are specific to Indiana University.
- Complete the Radiation Safety Course, if necessary. The 10-hour course is offered three to four times per year, to individuals with little or no experience handling radioactive materials. You will be notified if you need this additional training.
- If you are requesting a Radionuclide Use Permit, you must apply using the appropriate A-1 form (Accessible 10/24/23). These forms vary by the type of research being conducted. Other forms or information also may be required.