Pivot is a dynamic, comprehensive tool that allows you to search for funding opportunities and potential collaborators around the world.
Using Pivot
How it works
Use Pivot to:
- Search funding opportunities
- Track individual opportunities
- Save and revisit specific search queries
- Explore the profiles of millions of potential collaborators worldwide
- Match funding opportunities with potential collaborators
- Receive email updates about opportunities based on your saved search queries
- Share funding opportunities and search queries with colleagues
- Search for and receive notifications about calls for papers from upcoming conferences and scholarly journals
Steps on using Pivot
- Fill out all fields on the Pivot account page.
- Your Indiana University email address will be your user ID.
- Click "create my account" to receive a confirmation email.
- Open confirmation email, click on "confirm" link.
- You may be asked to select your specific campus affiliation when you log in for the first time.
Note: If you were previously registered as a Community of Science user, you may already have an account
- After logging in, look for your name at the upper right of the screen.
- If your name is hyperlinked, you already have a Pivot Profile based on your research track record. Click on your name to view, update, and edit your profile.
- If your name is not hyperlinked and you see an option to “claim profile,” click on “claim profile” and if you see yourself listed, click on the “This is me” button. You may also look for your name under “select a scholar” on the lower left.
Note: You can search, save searches and track opportunities without a profile.
- Run your search, then click "save search" at the top of the search results page.
- Name your search, then choose whether or not to have new or updated opportunities emailed to you in a weekly alert.
- Find your saved funding searches . They are also on the home tab under "Saved searches."
- View new results for a saved search by clicking on its name.
- To edit an existing search, click on "options," next to its name, then "edit." Make your changes, click "Search" to run it again, then "Save Search" to save your refined search.
- To subscribe to or cancel a funding alert based on a saved search, click on "options" next to the search name and use the drop-menu to select "Alert email on." Or "Alert email off."
- View the record of the funding opportunity you want to track and click “Track” in the Tools box on the upper right screen.
- Select “Set to Active” if it is an important opportunity that you want to appear on your home screen.
- Assign a tag (one-word descriptor) or multiple tags to organize your tracked records.
- The shared tab on the Pivot home page keeps track of opportunities and saved search queries that colleagues or your research office has shared with you, as well as opportunities and saved search queries that you have chosen to share with others.
- Each shared listing includes a Contact Card about the sender, a link to the opportunity by its title, an icon that links to the abstract for the opportunity, the opportunity’s next deadline and the date the opportunity was shared with you.
- Send or receive messages from colleagues by clicking on the Contact Card.
- Under "Take Action," you can choose to track, make an opportunity active, or dismiss and remove it.
More tips on Pivot
- Search for funding across all fields for broad search results.
- Use "AND," "OR" and "NOT" in the search text box to narrow your results, e.g. pediatric AND cancer. Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, e.g. "apple juice."
- Use an asterisk to search for all words beginning with the same set of letters; searching for *geo will yield results for geology, geography, etc.
- To view search results by Sponsor name, Title, Deadline, or Amount, click on the drop-down menu at the top of the search results.
- To view faceted search results, use the categories on the left menu, such as "Federal, U.S.," which makes only federally sponsored opportunities visible.
- Past programs that do not have current application deadlines appear with unspecified deadlines.
- Search for potential collaborators by visiting Pivot's Profiles section and browsing the listings by school, office, or center on your campus. Your search can be expanded outside of your campus by clicking "outside institutions" in the left-side column, or refined by selecting one or more of the subjects under "filter by."
- Search calls for papers from scholarly publications and conferences by visiting Pivot's Papers Invited section. Click on a subject category to view conferences and special issue journals listed and filter results by submission deadline, keyword, or country.
Additional training and help documentation for Pivot
Who to Contact:
If you get stuck, don’t give up. Contact your Pivot campus liaison:
IU Bloomington
- Currently unavailable
- Alicia Gahimer,
- algahime@iu.edu
IU Columbus
- Lori Montalbano,
- lmontal@iu.edu
IU East
- TJ Rivard,
- trivard@iu.edu
IU Kokomo
- Lisa Canada,
- lcanada@iu.edu
IU Northwest
- Sandy McMullen,
- sjmcmull@iu.edu
IU South Bend
- Erika Zynda,
- ezynda@iu.edu
IU Southeast
- Diane Wille,
- dwille@iu.edu