Protocol Form Crosswalk

Protocol Form Crosswalk

This guide can be used as a tool for investigators, lab staff, IBC members, and IBC staff when filling out a new or amended submission in Kuali Protocols IBC (KP IBC). If you would like to review the Crosswalk for transferring information from a previously approved IBC protocol on a Word document to the Kuali Protocols online system, click here. Use the table of contents below or “ctrl+F” (Windows) or “Cmd+F” (Mac) to search for a section of the form. Please contact the Research Safety Office in the Office for Research Compliance at if you have any questions.

About This Policy

Effective date:
Last updated:
Responsible University Officer:

Biological Safety Director

Policy Owner:

Institutional Biosafety Committee and Institutional Biohazard Committee

Policy Contact:

Biological Safety Director