- ORA Closure for April 15th
- Federal Updates
- ORA New Email Address
- Resource Update
- Proposal/PPA Reminders
- Current IU Subrecipient Form Required (Oct 2024)
- PPA attachments includes required sponsor documentation when due date is fewer than 4 days
- SOW's
- Reminders & Updates
- Research Security Training Requirements
- NIH Common Form Implementation
- Expired/Invalid Solicitations
- State of Indiana eCivis Solicitations
- KC Updates
- Cost Share on Advance Account Requests
- Internal Posting Deadlines for NIH Training Grants & NIH Fellowships
- ECC Reminders
- The 'Why' of Certain Contracting Terms
This meeting will be held in a live webinar format. Participants may engage in the conversation by entering questions or suggestions via the question/answer (Q&A) function
Future RAT Meeting Dates
- Wednesday, May 21st, 1:30-2:30pm