The State of Indiana has launched a new grants management system, eCivis, as the platform for all state agency activities in a grant’s lifecycle. In this system, grantees use eCivis to build proposals, accept awards, submit payment requests, and monitor/close out subawards.
Only the individual that starts an application can view/edit that application and act as the authorizing official for submissions and award acceptance in the eCivis Portal. The eCivis system does not support adding users for a given application until after an award has been accepted and finalized. IU Policy requires that the Office for Research Administration (ORA) accept award agreements on behalf of IU (PIs and unit representatives are not authorized to act in this capacity). As such, it is necessary for ORA to input and submit all proposals within eCivis so that we may accept the award agreement.
When submitting proposals to the State of Indiana, PI’s and their unit representatives should access eCivis to view state agencies’ required questions, attachments, character limits, etc. associated with a funding opportunity early in the proposal preparation process. However, ORA will input and submit the institutionally approved proposal into eCivis. Final drafts of documentation to be submitted for a proposal should be routed to ORA in Kuali Coeus as attachments to the Proposal Development Document. ORA will then upload the approved application materials into eCivis and submit the proposal.
To ensure sufficient time is provided to successfully submit proposals to the State of Indiana, ORA recommends requesting pre-assignment in advance of the internal submission deadline for these proposal submissions. This can be done by emailing, along with any other questions.