Indiana University will make Project Statements for Calendar Year 2024 ready for confirmation in EConfirm (ECC) on March 1, 2025. Project Statement confirmation is required to be completed by March 31, 2025.
Indiana University utilizes Project Statements in the EConfirm (ECC) system for the Award PI (Confirmer) to confirm that Institutional Base Salary (IBS) charged on federal and federal pass-through awards reasonably reflects employee activity.
PI and Department Actions
PI Confirmers (Award Principal Investigators) should work with their Effort Coordinators (Fiscal Officers/delegates) to review the effort and salary posted to Federal and Federal Pass-through awards for calendar year 2024.
The Calendar Year Effort View report is helpful for Effort Coordinators in reviewing what will be distributed to PI’s as it provides a view designed to mirror Project Statements EConfirm. The report summarizes Institutional Base Salary, payroll expenses, and effort information by Award for the calendar year.
There are additional reports and information on the ORA Departmental Management Dashboards and the ORA Compensation Management website to facilitate managing compensation on your grant.
Training Sessions
The Office for Research Administration (ORA) maintains EConfirm Office hours to address questions, EConfirm (ECC) Training and Office Hours.
Please direct questions regarding Project Statements in EConfirm or available resources to