Based on a request from ORA, Kuali Financial System (KFS) has implemented changes to a few KFS documents that will impact cost transfer documents. These updates were made in an effort to build consistency with the Cost Transfers on Cost Reimbursable Grants and Contracts policy and improve the communication gathered in cost transfer documents that impact sponsored project accounts. The updates are outlined below:
Salary Transfers (ST)
The questions in the Error Certification section have been replaced with two new questions.
- Why was the expense originally charged to the account from which it is being transferred (i.e., what caused the expense to be charged incorrectly)?
- How does this expense benefit or relate to the scope of work of the receiving account? Describe in detail the expense and its relationship to the project. Please also include steps taken to verify correction by a knowledgeable person such as the PI.
General Accounting Adjustments and Distribution of Income (GEC and DI)
A new Error Certification section has been added to the General Account Adjustments and Distribution of Income documents. The questions are the same as the questions outlined in the ST section above.
The Error Certification section should be filled out for every cost transfer document that is transferring costs to a federally funded sponsored project account. Any cost transfers without this section completed will be subject to disapproval.