Policy SPA-11-025 has been recently updated. A few of the significant changes are outlined below, but please take a moment to review the policy in its entirety.
Non-Governmental Proposals
- In an effort to further streamline the proposal submission process, all Non-Governmental proposals, regardless of dollar amount, will now receive a limited review. Previously, the policy only permitted this streamlined review for Non-Governmental proposals under $100,000. The scope of a limited review remains unchanged from previous policy iterations.
- All components of Non-Governmental submissions are due to ORA by 9am the business day prior to the deadline.
Post-Proposal Actions
- Non-Routed Administrative Request Forms should be submitted to allow ORA four (4) business days to review/submit documentation to the sponsor.
Submission System Recommendations
- Recommendation added to submit proposals involving NSF’s Resesarch.Gov or ProposalCentral in advance of the internal deadlines to ensure on time submissions due to system validations complexities with these systems.
Definition Clarifications
- Additional definitions have been added to the policy and past definitions were enhanced for clarity.
Questions about this policy can be emailed to iuprop@iu.edu