The KC Proposal Development Document has been updated to automatically add in the Other Units (located in the Organization/Location panel off the Proposal tab) based on the persons entered into the Key Personnel tab. Going forward if you add someone as key personnel that is not in the same unit as the PI or Co-PI, KC will add their home unit to the Other Units section for you. Units identified in the Other Units section will continue to route to those identified units.
The Other Units panel will still be editable if there are other units who need to be added in the routing chain that are not listed in the Key Personnel tab. Also, please note that any changes to the Other Units section or the Key Personnel tab do NOT impact the routing chain after the KC Proposal Development is submitted into routing. Any unit approvals after this point will need to be obtained via email and added as an internal attachment to the KC Proposal Development document.
Due to this enhancement the associated question on the Questions tab has been updated to the following text: “Are other IU campuses, schools, or units involved? If Yes, add unit(s) to Other IU Unit(s) subpanel in the Organization/Location panel of the Proposal tab. You do not need to add additional units for a Co-PI, PI/Multiple or Key Persons.”