In light of the increasing spread of COVID-19 and Governor Holcomb’s March 23, 2020 executive order, additional restrictions are being placed on the conduct of IU research, including a definition of Essential Research Activities. We are highlighting a few important changes below, and please see the IU Office of the Vice President for Research page for full details.
Human Subjects (IRB)
- All human subjects research taking place remotely, virtually, or otherwise in a non-in-person manner may and should continue without interruption
- If possible, any in-person human subjects research should be converted to being conducted virtually or remotely
- All other in-person human subjects research must cease unless such activities are registered by the PI as Essential Research Activities, at the COVID-19 Research Guidance page. Contact Beth Johnson, HRPP Director, at with any questions.
Animal Care & Use (IACUC)
- Please refer to the communication sent to IACUC PIs on March 24, 2020. PIs should follow the steps on the COVID-19 Research Guidance page to register any IACUC related work as essential
Biosafety (IBC)
- As noted above, Essential Research Activities may continue, including most notably work relating to COVID-19. The IBC has already reviewed and approved proposals on an expedited basis from researchers working directly in this field. The PI should:
- follow the steps on the COVID-19 Research Guidance page to register this and any other work as essential,
- and contact the IBC Office at for other requests to expedite any approval steps for Essential Research Activities.
Please share this communication with others on your research team who may not have received it.