Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER)

About this opportunity





Pamela Braboy Jackson, Associate Vice President for Faculty and Belonging,avpfb@indiana.edu



Award cycle:


Funding available:

Varies by category

The Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER) provides support to IU Bloomington minoritized faculty 1) to become successful in sponsored research and scholarly activity, and 2) to achieve significant professional growth and advancement. The program sustains mentorship opportunities through the EMPOWER Grant Program, supporting achievement of excellence in research and scholarly activity, and optimal attainment of academic career goals and objectives.

The Value of Mentoring

In academia, mentoring serves two dimensions: career and professional development and social- psychological support. Mentoring is shown to influence career success, satisfaction, and productivity, thus enhancing the institution’s investment, retention rates, and reputation. It could mean the difference between success and failure for early career faculty who are searching for guidance, a sense of belonging, and confidence in their academic journey. This is particularly applicable for faculty pursuing research and creative activity. In addition, research has shown that formal mentoring programs are especially helpful to women and minorities.


  • Category A: Full-time tenure-eligible assistant professors and untenured associate professors from all schools and units at IU Bloomington are eligible to apply as mentees. All full-time tenured associate professors or professors from all schools and units at IU Bloomington are eligible to apply as mentors.
  • Category B: Full-time tenured associate professors from all schools and units at IU Bloomington are eligible to apply as mentees. All full-time tenured professors from all schools and units at IU Bloomington are eligible to apply as mentors.
  • Visiting and adjunct faculty members, staff scientists (support‐oriented positions), and postdoctoral research associates are not eligible to apply.



  • Category A: This category is intended for assistant professors and untenured associate professors in tenure-track faculty positions. The goal is to assist these faculty members in becoming productive researchers, and better positioned to successfully advance through the tenure and promotion process. Specifically, the program consists of two cohorts per year, a group of mentors and a group of The mentees are assistant professors, or untenured associate professors, beginning a research agenda and developing a plan for sustained external funding. The mentors are associate professors or professors with successful research programs, who are willing to sponsor and support mentees, and assist with developing their research agenda. Mentors and mentees can apply separately to the program and be matched by the program committee or apply together and be evaluated by the program committee. There will be emphasis on matching mentors and mentees based on research methodology skills, appropriate topic expertise or other technical dimensions needed by the mentees. In some instances, this will be someone from the same discipline, but not always.


  • Category B: This category is intended for associate professors in tenured faculty positions. The goal is to assist these faculty members in achieving a high level of excellence in sponsored research and scholarly activity, and to position them to be successfully promoted to the rank of full professor. Specifically, the program consists of two cohorts per year, a group of mentors and a group of mentees.
  • The mentees are associate professors with a research program and developing a plan for growth in external funding. The mentors are professors with successful research programs, who are willing to sponsor and support mentees, and assist with developing their research agenda. Mentors and mentees can apply separately to the program and be matched by the program committee or apply together and be evaluated by the program committee. There will be emphasis on matching mentors and mentees based on research methodology skills, appropriate topic expertise or other technical dimensions needed by the mentees. In some instances, this will be someone from the same discipline, but not always.

Funding and program requirements


  • Mentors and mentees will be required to attend a two-day orientation and training at the beginning of the mentoring period.
  • The mentoring program will be one year in duration from August 1 – July 31.
  • Mentees are required to attend an initial orientation on mentoring, a mid-program meeting, an end-of-program meeting, and encouraged to attend campus professional development opportunities available from the Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs, the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and IU Research. EMPOWER mentees are strongly encouraged to participate in the Faculty-to-Faculty (F2F) Network Mentoring Program (NMP), offered by the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (https://diversity.iu.edu/faculty-and-belonging/initiatives/mentoring-program.html), and in programs for faculty and departments available from the IU Bloomington Graduate Mentoring Center (https://graduatementoringcenter.iu.edu/Programs%20for%20Faculty%20Departments/index.html).
  • Mentees may also consult with key staff on specific research and professional development topics and needs such as accessing proposal writing services, finding funding, finding potential collaborators, and identifying and addressing biases in the academy.
  • Mentees are required to develop a plan for their research goals and objectives which includes the submission of, at minimum one proposal to an external agency. The mentee and the mentor agree on the goals to be realized during the period of the grant.
  • $10,000 total in support of the mentee’s research and professional development is available once concrete steps and plans are in place for a submission to external funding sources.
  • Mentees may use funds for one month summer salary (10-month appointees) or teaching release time approved by their dean and/or department chair. Mentee is expected to be writing external proposals during this time if this option is taken.
  • Funds may also be used for equipment, supplies, travel, and compensation for research assistants.
  • Submission of a proposal to an external funding source must occur no later than 12 months from the end of the award period. Failure to meet this requirement may result in the applicant becoming ineligible to receive support from IU Research in the future.
  • Mentees are required to submit a mid-year report and program end report.
  • Mentees cannot apply to any other IU Research internal grant program during the year of EMPOWER.
  • A mentee can receive this award once.
  • Priority will be given to mentees that have yet to submit an external proposal or have yet to receive external funding.



  • Mentors and mentees will be required to attend a two-day orientation and training at the beginning of the mentoring period.
  • The mentoring program will be one year in duration from August 1 – July 31.
  • Funding available to the mentor is $2,000.
  • During the year of the program, the mentor is expected to meet 30 hours with the mentee.
  • Mentors are required to attend an initial orientation on mentoring, a mid-program meeting, an end-of-program meeting, and meet on a regular basis with their mentees.
  • Mentors are required to submit a letter of support from the department head or dean.

Application requirements

Applicants must complete an electronic application and upload a completed application form. Please note page limitations.

Application sections include:

Section 1 Applicant Information


Section 2 Project Plan

  • The Project Plan is limited to a total of three (3) single-space pages.
  • Project Plans longer than three (3) pages will not be reviewed.



  • Check areas of research activity on which you would like to receive guidance from a mentor.
  • Check areas of professional activity on which you would like to receive guidance from a mentor.
  • Check mentor preference.
  • Address these four questions:
    • What do you consider to be the major obstacles in attaining your career goals?
    • What do you consider to be your strongest skills/strengths?
    • What are the most important areas you would like to enhance during the mentoring period?
    • List any other comments or questions regarding your expectations and participation in the faculty mentoring program.



  • Check areas of research activity on which you would like to provide guidance to a mentee.
  • Check areas of professional activity on which you would like to provide guidance to a mentee.
  • Check mentee preference.
  • Address these five questions:
    • What have been the major obstacles in attaining your career goals?
    • What do you consider to be your strongest skills/strengths?
    • What are the most important areas you would like to focus on during the mentoring period?
    • List any other comments or questions regarding your expectations and participation in the faculty mentoring program.
    • Describe your specific research program/areas in which you believe you have expertise as a mentor.


Section 3 Budget

  • The budget is limited to one page.
  • Describe how the funds will be used to support your research and scholarly activity.
  • Funds can be used for equipment, supplies, travel, etc. Mentees on 10-month appointments may request one month summer salary or teaching release time, the latter of which must be approved by the dean and/or department chair.

Section 4 Appendix

  • A biosketch or C.V. must be included. Limit biosketch or C.V. to three (3) pages. List all current and pending internal and external research support, as well as past support for the previous five years to include: name of funding agency/mechanism, project title, duration of funding, amount received per year and your role on the project. Include collaborative projects with other faculty or research centers.
  • Mentors are required to submit a letter of support from the department head or dean.
  • Mentees may submit a letter of support from the department chair or dean, but this later is not required.


Additional important information about other deliverables will be found in the full EMPOWER program guidelines available on the InfoReady site.