IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grant

About this opportunity





Bethan Roberts, Assistant Vice President of Operations,bwr@iu.edu


Open deadline

Award cycle:


Funding available:

$15,000 maximum award (50% match required)

IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grants, sponsored by IU Research, provide IU faculty the opportunity to apply for matching funds to curate and host an innovative conference on an IU campus. The purpose is to convene scholars from other institutions around the country and the world with IU faculty and students to explore novel ideas and initiatives, expand scholarly networks, and build new research and creative activity partnerships.

Proposals to create and host a conference are to be developed and submitted by IU faculty with significant contributions to the proposed discipline(s) focus of the convening. Those who submit should have achieved success substantial enough to attract other leading scholars to visit IU. Submissions may come from individual faculty members or a small team of faculty.


  • All tenured and tenure‐eligible faculty members.
  • Research scholars and research scientists.
  • Research center directors.
  • Emeriti faculty members who are still active in research. (Some budgetary restrictions may apply. Contact your fiscal officer or the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs for details.)
  • Non-tenure track faculty whose evaluation criteria are based on research activity.


  • Visiting and adjunct faculty members
  • Postdoctoral fellows and research associates
  • Graduate students


  • IU Research will provide up to $15,000. As a condition of award, proposals must include confirmation of secured funds, or written confirmation of firmly committed funds, equivalent to a minimum of 50% of the requested amount.
  • Without stated exceptional circumstances, support for conferences convening existing university organizations or academic societies or associations are not eligible.

Application requirements

Applicants must complete an electronic application and upload a completed application form.

Application components include:

  1. Title of proposed conference
  2. Location of the conference, which must be in the state of Indiana and preferably on an IU campus.
  3. Name, title(s), department, school, campus, and email address of organizer(s)
  4. Brief summary of the proposed theme of the conference and current significance, as well as applied or intended impact or outcome relevant to the stated field(s) of inquiry.
  5. Name and summary of credentials of those to be invited to speak, including:
    1. Invited guests must be noted scholars in the proposed field with national and/or international renown.
    2. If feasible, please indicate the invitee(s) interest level and ability to participate should the conference be funded.
  6. Anticipated conference date in 2024 or 2025.
  7. Proposed outline of conference agenda and any immediately known logistical needs.
  8. Detailed plan for engaging IU graduate and/or undergraduate students; please specify from which campus(es).
  9. Plans for conference outcomes and publications. Please specify:
    1. if conversations with interested publishers have transpired; and
    2. provide details of planned or probable follow-on grant or other external funding opportunities.
  10. Detailed project budgeting, including the source of matching funds. Please note the following:
    1. Eligible expenses include but are not limited to travel and lodging for speakers and presenters, venue and related costs, technical assistance, student compensation and registration waivers.
    2. Faculty and staff are not eligible for additional compensation for effort dedicated to conference planning and execution.
    3. If relevant, anticipated conference registration fee revenue should be factored into the proposed budget request.
  11. Appendices:
    1. Required: Signed letter from relevant dean or associate dean or division lead indicating s/he has reviewed and supports the conference proposal.
    2. Signed letter(s) confirming required matching funds.
    3. Other relevant letters of intent or support.
    4. Biographical sketch of conference organizer(s).

IU Research will accept proposals for conferences to be held in Calendar Year 2024 or 2025 at any time. Proposals will be evaluated per the above application guidelines. Awards will be made on a first come, first served basis until allocated budget for the grant program is spent for 2024 and 2025. Advanced planning is highly encouraged.

Should funds be awarded, IU Research requests acknowledgement of IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grant support in all conference materials. As a condition of accepting the award, within six months of completion of the conference, awardee(s) agree to electronically submit a summary to https://iu.infoready4.com/#homePage, including a copy of the final program and a brief assessment of outcomes.