Funding Search Tools

Tips on searching funding opportunities

As you explore your funding opportunity options, here are some helpful things to keep in mind:

  • Check internal funding guidelines to make sure that you are eligible for the opportunity that interests you.
  • Review external funding opportunities to find out if the funder restricts the number of proposals accepted from one institution. If there is a limit on the number of submissions, you will need to go through the Limited Submissions selection process to apply to the external funder.
  • If you are interested in a funding opportunity offered by a foundation or corporation included on Indiana University’s Critical Contacts list, contact the office of Corporate and Foundation Relations before making contact with the organization. The CFR team will assist you on any foundation or corporate funding opportunity.
  • If you are pursuing opportunities from the Department of Defense or center-level opportunities from other agencies, the Vice President for Research office may be able to provide you and your team with strategic, informational, and proposal development assistance. Contact with the name and deadline of the program you are interested in for more information.
  • Be aware of the difference between sponsored projects and gifts. Sponsored projects include competitive grants, contracts, and agreements awarded with well-defined obligations that generally need to be fulfilled within a specific time frame. Funds not used within that set time frame can be revoked. Unlike competitive funding opportunities, gift funds are given voluntarily, with no reciprocal obligation, and are usually irrevocable. At IU, the Indiana University Foundation assists with gift funding and gift proposal development.

We are here to support you

The IU research offices work to foster excellence in research. We are here to offer the support you need to find and successfully compete for funding.