- ORA Name Change
- Guidance for coding sponsored projects as research, instruction and other (service)
- Subawards to Purdue
- NIH NOT-OD-23-182 Effective January 1, 2024
- NIH Other Support & NPSM-33
- KC Updates for NSF Conference & Travel Proposals
- Reminders
- Annual and Final Reports required for PI departures
- ProposalCentral Administrative Access and Approvals
- Discuss the new account notice process
- Discuss Single Audit
This meeting will be held in a live webinar format. Participants may engage in the conversation by entering questions or suggestions via the question/answer (Q&A) function.
- ORA has created a new tile in one.iu.edu to provide a single location for all your Research Administrative Team needs. The tile can be found by searching for "Research Administrator Team" in one.iu.edu. Upon opening the tile, there are links to the following:
Future RAT Meeting Dates
Thursday, March 21st, 2024