ORA has recently updated the internal budget templates to enhance the templates’ functionality and improve ease of use based on feedback from the user community. Be sure to use the most recent versions when routing proposals.
- All Templates
- The dollar format has been updated to allow for easier copying and pasting into sponsor forms
- Five Year Federal NIH Template
- Rounded salary inflation dollar amounts
- Added a Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) section at the bottom of the template so you can easily confirm the MTDC calculations
- Added more rows for personnel and fee remission
- Added detailed rows in the supply category
- Added a row for dedicated NIH Data Management and Sharing Costs
- Added a +/- buttons at the top and the side of template allowing you hide and unhide extra lines for easier viewing
- Updated the printing format to print each year separately
- Five Year Federal NSF Template
- Added subtotals for Other Personnel to allow for easier input into Research.gov
- Rounded salary inflation dollar amounts
The updated budget templates are located on the IU Research website https://research.iu.edu/funding-proposals/proposals/tools/index.html#sample-budgets. You can find them under the heading “Sample letters, budget templates, and forms”, expanding the menu for Sample budgets.
As a reminder, the use of the templates is now required for direct and pass-through National Institutes of Health (NIH) submissions requiring an R&R budget along with National Science Foundation (NSF) submissions.
If you have any questions about the budget templates or their use, please email iuprop@iu.edu for assistance.