The informal review period for Calendar Year 2022 project statements in EConfirm (ECC) will begin January 1, 2023 and will continue through February 28, 2023.
EConfirm (ECC) Overview
- Effort on federal and federal pass-through sponsored projects is confirmed by calendar year on project statements in EConfirm (ECC)
- Effort activity is aggregated to the Kuali Coeus (KC) award family level for all employees with effort on any account belonging to that award family
- Project statement confirmation is only required on federal and federal pass-through awards
- The Award PI (Confirmer) is required to confirm federal and federal-pass through project statements in EConfirm (ECC)
What do you need to do now?
- Verify your department has the correct Effort Coordinators and the correct Primary Effort Coordinator
- The EConfirm (ECC) Effort Coordinators Dashboard Report identifies current assignments for your department
- Communicate regularly with your Award PI (Confirmer)
- Monitor Effort on a Monthly Basis
- Monitor Salary Cap
- Avoid Late Cost Transfers
- Training sessions will be offered from January 9th to March 6th for Award PI Confirmers and Effort Coordinators.
- The sessions are one hour, with additional time after each training session for questions
- No registration or signup is required
- To join a session, click the date/time for Zoom session you wish to attend
- Also, the Office of Research Administration (ORA) will host office hours to address specific project statement confirmation questions or concerns from January 11th to March 29th.
- The dates and Zoom links for the Award PI Confirmer, and Effort Coordinator training sessions as well as Office Hours are provided below.
Please contact with any questions.