ORA’s RA Pre-award Bootcamp is an intensive introduction to pre-award administration at IU that combines a self-paced OneNote component with interactive training sessions held via Zoom. Topics covered include the following:
The Office of Research Administration
Building Your Proposal
Budget Development
Routing Your Proposal
Proposal & Award Management Resources
We will be hosting the first two rounds of RA Pre-award Bootcamp via Zoom in November! We have created a list of participants comprised from those who have expressed interest via email as well as new research administrators identified through Kuali Coeus update requests.
A scheduling survey will be sent out soon to everyone on the combined list; however, if you or someone that reports to you would benefit from attending our introductory-level series, please email iuprop@iu.edu to enroll!
Series 1: November 7th, 10th, AND 11th from 8:30 – 11:30am
Series 2: November 14th, 15th, AND 16th from 1:00 – 4:00pm
Come join us in November!