In accordance with IU’s internal routing policy and as noted at the last Research Administration Team (RAT) Meeting, ORA requires at a minimum that the final Administrative Components to be attached to the KC Proposal Development Document for ORA review, including a printout from electronic systems.
A proposal will be assigned for review only if the final administrative components are attached to the KC Proposal Development Document. If they are missing, ORA will contact the document initiator to provide finalized components. Once they are added to the KC Proposal Development document, the submission will be assigned to a Grants Service Administrator for review. Proposals with prior ORA approval for pre-assignment will be assigned to a Grants Service Administrator immediately due to their complexity.
Any documents intended for submission to the sponsor should be attached to the Proposal Attachments section of the KC Proposal Development Document. A complete proposal should use the DEPT Final Proposal label from the drop down. Administrative components only should use the Draft Proposal label.
Administrative components include: All final versions of budgets, bio-sketches (CV), facilities and equipment sections, supplementary materials (such as data management plans, etc.), appendices, and all administrative forms.