On May 1, 2021, several updates and changes were made to Kuali Protocols to improve functionality and usability. Changes are summarized below. As always, contact the HRPP at irb@iu.edu with any questions.
- Renew/Amend action is no longer available. You can continue to submit concurrent Renewals and Amendments, but this will require two separate submissions be initiated – one for the Renewal and a separate submission for the Amendment.
- Standalone Investigator Brochure (IB) updates, not resulting in any changes to study documents, will now be accepted as Amendments. However, the IU IRB does not require an Amendment be submitted for a standalone IB update. We continue to encourage you to hold standalone IB updates and submit them with your next Amendment when possible.
- The system now automatically adds the initiator of a new study submission (if that individual is not the PI) to the Permissions tab with Full Access permissions.
- For new study submissions created on or after May 1, 2021, the Personnel section of the Form now includes a separate table for non-affiliated personnel who require oversight from the IU IRB.
- The Activity Log now allows you to view either an “expanded” or “collapsed” list of protocol actions. A button in the upper right corner of the Activity Log screen allows you to toggle between the two views. You may find the collapsed list makes it easier to locate and access IRB Approval Letters for printing.
- Minor, non-substantive wording changes have been made throughout the submission forms. These changes will apply only to new submissions created on or after May 1, 2021. The Form Guides on the HRPP website will be updated to reflect these changes.
Our UITS development team continues to work closely with Kuali to develop functionality to enhance the system. Upcoming enhancements include integration of Kuali Protocols and OnCore and changes to the notification functionality that will allow us to limit the individuals who receive IRB notifications. Watch for announcements on the All IRB Services task in One.IU regarding these upcoming changes.
As a reminder, Kuali Protocols instructional guides and a training video continue to be available on the HRPP website.