In consideration of the challenges facing many in our country, NSF is extending the upcoming proposal deadline for the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) until 5:00 p.m. submitter's local time on Tuesday, August 11, 2020.
Please note that the eligibility requirements specified in the solicitation remain unchanged, and proposers must meet all of the eligibility requirements as of the original deadline of July 27, 2020. The Departmental Letter that must be submitted by the Department Chair (or equivalent) must use July 27, 2020 to determine eligibility, regardless of whether the CAREER proposal is submitted before, on, or after July 27, 2020. An untenured assistant professor on July 27, 2020 is eligible to submit a CAREER proposal even if the Principal Investigator is tenured/promoted in the fall. A new faculty member who starts on July 28, 2020 or later is not eligible to submit a CAREER proposal this year.
In order to ensure timely proposal review and decision making, NSF strongly encourages submission of CAREER proposals on or before the original deadline of July 27, 2020. NSF will not consider requests to extend the deadline date beyond 5:00 p.m., submitter’s local time on August 11, 2020, except as outlined in PAPPG Chapter I.F.3.
For more about information about the CAREER Program please visit the NSF CAREER Program web page.