The first issue for review is to determine software ownership and authorship. In some cases, the authors of the work will be the owners of the software. In this case, ICO will provide general advice and support to the authors in moving forward with an open source release as appropriate, including any overlapping issues with respect to university policy.
If the determination is made that it is a University Work, the next stage of the review will be to determine what, if any, obligations there might be to another party (another institution and/or an individual who is not affiliated with IU as faculty, staff, or student). This may include rights of sponsors for the work. Additionally, as provided under copyright law, all contributors or co-authors should be in agreement with respect to the decision for an open source release.
- Third Party Rights - Inclusion of Pre-existing Materials from Outside Sources
If the software contains other "open source" or "free" software, or any software that has been downloaded, used, copied, linked, or has been provided by a third party, these the code and licenses associated with it need to be identified. ICO can help to understand the license terms under which that software has been provided. Certain license terms have specific restrictions, and certain open source licenses are incompatible with university policy. The license terms of attached to such works contain terms that the university cannot fulfill. ICO can provide advice and assistance to authors to understand these terms and find a suitable open source license. - Sponsors and Funding Obligations
Before choosing to distribute via open source, the authors should confirm that any sponsors of the software will agree to an open source distribution model. ICO will also assess any pertinent contractual obligations to ensure compliance prior to an open source release. - Rights of Co-authors or Collaborators
Much, in fact most, of the software code arising in the context of university research is collaborative, and the UA-05 policy also ensures that the decisions on copyright works are made in consultation with all IU affiliated authors. University ownership of the software allows for the management of the process to respect the interests of all contributors to the work, and ICO works to confirm and document the same.