Administrative Information

Per diem rates are listed on the LAR website under the "Services and Rates" tab on the Per Diems page. The current per diems in effect for the current fiscal year will be listed. Possible per diems for future years are estimates only. Estimated rates are provided for budgeting purposes only and subject to change depending on annual Fiscal Oversight Committee recommendations and approval by the Vice Provost for Research. Most per diem rates are charged per cage (e.g. mice conventional and isolator) and other rates are charged per animal (rabbit). Rates may vary from year to year as expenses and the number of animals varies. When planning for projects that will extend beyond June 30, investigators may wish to apply an inflationary increase of 3-6% per year from currently listed rates. Please consult with LAR when planning for animal care costs.

Fill out the LAR Animal Procurement Form. Email the form to lar@iu.edu.

  • LAR will ensure that the housing facility has the space and supplies required to care for the animals and that the protocol will allow for the number of animals in the order.
  • Your fiscal officer will be contacted with the order.
  • A PO will be generated and sent to the vendor.
  • Please allow a minimum of 5 business days for the order to reach the vendor.
  • Jackson Labs delivers on Mondays, and Envigo delivers on Thursdays.

Ensure you are listed on the animal care and use protocol as performing surgery. Contact LAR to sign up for Aseptic Surgery Training by an LAR veterinarian. Contact your PI for specific training in the surgical procedure listed on the protocol. Refer to the Anesthesia and Analgesia Guidelines for your species along with the Surgery Policy on the LAR webpage for further information.

LAR can assist with ordering some veterinary medical supplies. Please submit a Supply Request to lar@iu.edu.

Contact Lab Animal Resources

Emergency Contact Information

Animal Health Concerns and Clinical Emergencies

If animal health concerns or clinical emergencies are noted, please call 812-855-2356 and and follow prompts to contact on-call veterinarian.

If you have facility concerns or emergencies, please call 812-855-1950.